On Friday June 16 2006 18:05, Ohad Lutzky wrote:
> Umm... What's wrong with Gentoo's Hebrew support? I mean, yeah, okay,
> Ubuntu's is better, but Gentoo's isn't BAD.
Well, I never said it is BAD (tm). I like Gentoo. I run Gentoo everywhere I 
can. I just can hardly imagine myself bootstrapping Gentoo on 20 different 
machines simultaneously in the Linux day environment, even from stage3. It 
is, after all, a Linux _Day_. As for the hebrew support, I give you this as 
an example:


Note the submission date...
Speaking for myself only, there are at least twenty l10n/i18n bugs I am 
personally interested in, that are in solved state, but not inserted to 
portage. In my opinion, the sad situation when I have to sync on a dozen 
undead portage overlay servers to get what I want looks too much like what's 
going on with binary distros. Then I have my own local overlay which I have 
to update constantly. And don't get me wrong, I love code diving and rolling 
patches. I just don't like to do it when i know perfectly well that it's a 
waste of both my time and the time of hundreds, if not thousands of users 
that are doing the same. It was supposed to be a system of joined efforts, 
not the "every one for itself" jungle. Of course one can always waste another 
half an hour and find a solution on Gentoo bugzilla/forums, but let's not 
forget that the choice of that distribution was because of it's powerful 
package system, the almighty portage tree.

Sincerely Yours,
Michael Vasiliev

"Program testing can be a very effective way to show the presence of bugs, but 
is hopelessly inadequate for showing their absence."
                        -- Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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