It sounds like you have a locale file issue. If it is indeed working
locally, but not remotely, I would surmise an encoding problem. That is,
your dev box can read line 15 of your locale file, but the server is having
an encoding issue.

Also, are you sure both dev and server are running the same
version/patchlevel of ruby?


On Thu, Feb 3, 2011 at 11:45 AM, kadoudal <> wrote:

> [haml 3.0.25 / ham-rails.0.3.4 / rails 3.0.3 / ruby 1.9.2p136)
> running in production on a remote server, I get an error I don't have
> when running on my local server
> where should I start finding the issue ?  as it runs very well
> locally .. missing gem ... ( no warning during deployment) or missing
> dependencies ..?
> ======= here is the production.log =========
> Started GET "/" for XX.XXX.XX.XXX at 2011-02-03 16:57:45 +0000
>  Processing by HomeController#index as HTML
> Rendered home/index.html.haml within layouts/application (9.3ms)
> Completed   in 19ms
> ActionView::Template::Error (couldn't parse YAML at line 15 column
> 14):
>    1: - breadcrumbs << link_to(I18n.t(:home), home_path)
>    2:
>    3: - title I18n.t(:home)
>    4:
>  app/views/home/index.html.haml:1:in
> `_app_views_home_index_html_haml___650313189_107810100_970220967'
> == here is the app/views/home/index.html.haml   =======
> - breadcrumbs << link_to(I18n.t(:home), home_path)
> - title I18n.t(:home)
> = render :partial => "shared/sidebar"
> - if @posts_in_selected_category.empty?
>        %p= I18n.t(:no_post_to_display)
> - else
>        %p= I18n.t(:posts_to_display)
> == here is the breadcrumb action in the application_helper.rb
> =======
>  def breadcrumbs
>    @breadcrumbs ||= begin
>      crumbs = []
>      crumbs << link_to(I18n.t(:home), root_path).html_safe if
> user_signed_in? && !(request.fullpath == root_path)
>      crumbs
>    end
>    @breadcrumbs.flatten!
>    @breadcrumbs.uniq!
>    @breadcrumbs
>  end
> --
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Bradley Grzesiak
co-founder, bendyworks llc

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