I’m guessing your problem is that the href attribute value is being escaped:

    %a{ :href => '<%= href %>'}

is becoming

    <a href='&lt;%= href %&gt;'>

If so, you can use the :escape_attrs option to not escape attribute values.

A complete example:

    require 'haml'

    puts Haml::Engine.new(DATA.read, :escape_attrs => false).render


    %script#album-row{ :type => 'text/template' }
        %a{ :href => '<%= href %>'}
          <%= name %>

This should produce

    <a href='<%= href %>'>

for the line in question.

Note this setting applies to all attributes in your document, you can’t 
currently selectively escape only some attributes.
If that’s a problem you could try changing the inderscore template deliminator 
as Les suggests (I haven’t actually used underscore).


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