On Wed Oct 15, 2008 at 20:13:31 +0100, Stephen Rowles wrote:

> As a replacement for something like bash, I think perl is a great thing.


> However for applications I hate perl! It is far to easy to write perl code
> that is impossible to read, and some of those magic perl tricks can make
> it even worse! There are so many nasty horrible things you can do with
> perl, and far to many people use them ;) (usually all of them at once if
> they possibly can!)

  Every time I hear this complaint I think of myself.  I say exactly
 the same thing about the majority of PHP code I touch - but that is
 probably because I'm cleaning up security holes.

  Honestly I don't understand why Perl has this reputation.  It is
 possible to do clever "tricks" in any environment interesting enough
 to be useful.  Similarly a bad coder will be a bad coder regardless
 of implementation language.

  I could give examples of bad PHP, bad C, bad C++, and many more
 without too much effort.  Similarly things that are tricks to some
 people are idiomatic expressions to others.  (e.g. the first time
 a saw Duff's Device in C, or the temp-free XOR swap trick in C.)

> I think perl is a good tool, just often mis-used for things where it
> really isn't the best tool for the job.

  I think junior developers are good, but often mis-used for applications
 which later become important ..


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