On Wed, Jan 07, 2009 at 12:33:10PM +0000, Andy Smith wrote:
> Hi,
> On Tue, Jan 06, 2009 at 07:13:15PM +0000, Dr Adam Trickett wrote:
> > On Tuesday 06 Jan 2009, Hugo Mills wrote:
> > >    Test message.
> > 
> > Looks good.
> Both bad for me.  So perhaps it is happening at mailman.lug.org.uk.

   Possibly that's additional breakage, although I don't think so.
There's definitely something going on with different versions of GPG,


=== Hugo Mills: h...@... carfax.org.uk | darksatanic.net | lug.org.uk ===
  PGP key: 515C238D from wwwkeys.eu.pgp.net or http://www.carfax.org.uk
         --- Why play all the notes, when you need only play ---         
                           the most beautiful?                           

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