Rob Malpass wrote:
> Hi all
> This is way OT but someone on this list might just know of a product to 
> fit my bill....
> I want a gadget that will record one particular radio programme 
> digitally such that I can listen to it in bed - but here are the 
> constraints:
> a) I can get a DAB radio with live pause but I've not seen one that acts 
> like a PVR i.e. repeatedly records a programme.
> b) I can use a PVR - but that requires a TV (which I don't want to leave 
> on) - and besides even a TV on with nothing on screen still gives off 
> light and makes it harder to sleep.   Even if I operated a PVR without a 
> TV (i.e. sent the output to a speaker system) - they're usually 
> extremely fiddly to operate through whatever display is on the front of 
> the unit.   I have a Humax that would be just the ticket - were it 
> operable without a tv
> c) and finally - there's no TV aerial in the bedroom and (from my 
> testing) cheapo TV aerials dont' work so well around here.
> There is still one [1] product out there that records to SD card but by 
> the look of it - that records what's on now as opposed to what I want 
> which is basically to record the news on R4 every night so I can get the 
> headlines no matter what time I go to bed.
> Anybody seen anything I could use.
> Cheers
> Rob

MythTV will do that, if you're prepared to put a back-end system 
together with a DAB or Freeview tuner etc., and a little silent, 
diskless front-end PC to sit by the bedside.  But that could be overkill 
for what you want.


Chris Dennis                        
Fordingbridge, Hampshire, UK

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