On Sun, Sep 20, 2009 at 10:26:08PM +0100, Tim Brocklehurst wrote:
> On Sunday 20 September 2009 21:15:14 Adrian Bridgett wrote:
> > I did a couple of hours reading up on Redhatisms (since I normally use
> > Debian).  Found RHCT dead easy, RHCE fairly straightforward too.   I
> > was still nervous, but hey it is an exam :-)
> > 
> > I think I'm goig to retake RHCE shortly (my old one was RH v3 and so
> > lapsed a little while ago).  Managed 100% on both last time, so it can
> > only go badly in comparison this time!
> We know who to email for advice now!

   You couldn't afford him...


=== Hugo Mills: h...@... carfax.org.uk | darksatanic.net | lug.org.uk ===
  PGP key: 515C238D from wwwkeys.eu.pgp.net or http://www.carfax.org.uk
  --- "There's more than one way to do it" is not a commandment. It ---  
                           is a dire warning.                            

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