On Mon, Nov 16, 2009 at 12:43:15PM -0000, Rob Malpass wrote:
> I need some advice on video editing software for Linux.  Can anybody
> recommend a good package?  I think I've spoken before on this list
> about a huge library of VHS I'm getting digitised.  Thankfully I've
> now managed to find a working solution.  Sadly it's not Linux based
> but I'm ending up with several 8Gb mpgs that I need to edit.
> The problem is simple - and will be all too familiar to those of us who used 
> VHS: tracking.
> I have a small horizontal line at the bottom of the screen where the
> image is "skewed" for want of a better word.  I've tried
> unsuccessfully to fix the tracking and handle it within the capture
> software.  No dice.  So what I need is to crop the image.  I've only
> ever used Windows movie maker so I'm a bit green here but I'd much
> rather play with something recommended than go through what is
> probably a maze of software - I had enough trouble of that nature
> trying to rip a DVD!!!

   You don't say what format your data is in, nor what kind of editing
you want to do[1]. However, assuming MPEG2 video as your input format:

 - Handbrake will do cropping and encoding to MPEG4 profiles only
   (XviD or H.264 profiles)

 - avidemux will give you non-linear access to the material, and allow
   cropping, removal of segments, and encoding to almost any other
   video form. It will also give you the ability to do GOP-level edits
   of MPEG2 material with no re-encoding.

   There's other packages out there that may be more suited to what
you need to do (pitivi, possibly), but I've not really used those.


[1] Some or all of: cropping the frame; top-and-tail segments of
footage; re-ordering of the material; fades and wipes; titling; adding
static interstitial footage...

=== Hugo Mills: h...@... carfax.org.uk | darksatanic.net | lug.org.uk ===
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   --- In the future, terrorists won't be carrying their ID cards. ---   
                   They'll be carrying yours. -- Henry                   
                         Porter,  Suspect Nation                         

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