Jacqui Caren-home wrote:
> Sean Gibbins wrote:
>> Stephen Pelc wrote:
>>> You can only improve something by acknowledging what's wrong 
>>> with it. 
>> When dealing with free, open source software coded largely by volunteers 
>> you can take it a stage further - you can get involved and fix it.
> Sorry but this is where it gets "flame warish". He has a binary release
> product and has a number of targets to release to and is sick of the
> amount of manual work involved.

There's nothing "flame warish" about it Jacqui, it's a statement of fact.

Stephen said that he wants a simplified method of package management 
across the board for Linux. Well, someone's got to do it, and who better 
than someone with a specific problem to solve? No time or lacking the 
skills to do it? Well, you can fund it, either for the community by 
contributing to a project, or for your business by getting a consultant 
in to solve your specific problem.

Petulantly moaning about the state of things and throwing up Apple and 
Microsoft as an example of how it should be done certainly isn't going 
to solve the problem. I'd love to see how far he got with say Apple, 
IBM, Sun and Microsoft in getting them to adopt a common installer on 
account of the difficulties the differences present his business. That 
isn't going to happen for love nor money!

Finally, I don't disagree  with the idea that a package management 
system that simplifies installation across all distributions is a good 
one, but I do take issue with someone complaining about the state of 
things when they could be doing something positive about it, one way or 


And I've made disapointment
My very best friend

  [Anton Newcombe - Straight Up And Down]

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