
> Normally I'd do this in Perl (and CGI library) because of PHP's pretty
> horrific security record, however I think it's time I took a fresh
> look to see what to use for the next N years.
> I'd like to write it in Ruby if possible, or Python as a second choice
> (sorry Adam).  I don't really want a huge massive framework with all
> the hassle that involves - really I'm after a "use ... library".
> For example looking at Ruby, there is a CGI library which allows you
> to perform the usual set/get forms helpers I want.  There is also
> eruby to assist with the templates, however integrating the two seems
> a bit yucky.  Using ERB seems perhaps slightly easier.  Rails is just
> way too much framework for me.

It doesn't metter which language you pick, all have high and low quality 
modules to use. Pick your language and chose the best of breed 
module/framework and you should be okay.
> I probably want to end up with something similar to:
> - script which has the controller logic in it and displays one of two
> templates
> - template with the form in it
> - template with the result in it

Everything has a MVC framework, take you pick, even SAP supports that 

If you use Perl then there is Catalyst which is popular, I'm sure each 
other language has it's own prefered MVC. The one caveat I'd say with 
MVCs in general is that they don't scale well, they are overly large and 
complex for small apps and very slow when the load gets high.

If you application is very small then perhaps a conventional program 
using conventional modules may be in order.

E.g. in Perl you'd use CGI and TT, I'm sure that other languages have 
their own.

One final point I'd say is that whatever you decided to do, there is 
logic in using the langauge you are strongest in on an exposed web 


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