On Thursday 04 March 2010 11:51:40 Lisi wrote:
> I have been asked to recommend a laptop to replace a 3 year old and ailing
> HP running XP, and to fit the following brief:
> Must be durable
> Must not run Windows (specifically mentioned as acceptable were MAC OS and
> Linux)
> Budget c. £800/£900 (that is based on the cost of a suitable MAC)

Thanks, all, for the suggestions so far.  Things like durability are hard to 
assess with a new computer.  As for the "no Windows", I think that that is 
based,at least partly, on wanting to avoid the software/hardware upgrade 
cycle.  He likes what he has heard of MacOS and Linux and wants to change 
from Windows.

He needs to be able to work seemlessly with Word, and also Publisher, but I 
gather that that can now export and import in at least one other format, 
other than its own, that is.  I don't think he is expecting to use it for 
anything very resource hungry.

I have to his knowledge edited one of the relevant documents on my all Linux 
box, without its causing either me or anyone else any problems.  So he 
doesn't need a lot of persuading that that is possible.

I would also be glad for any comments fron anyone who would feel able to 
compare with Mac for hardware quality.


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