On Fri, 16 Apr 2010 16:41:18 +0100 (BST)
"Vic" <l...@beer.org.uk> wrote:

> >> But we're all Linux geeks here - why not just run your own
> >> resolver?
> >
> > I would be fascinated to increase my geekdom a notch and learn a
> > little more as to how I can move towards dong that - it sounds very
> > interesting!
> It's usually just a case of installing the package & kicking it off.
> For RH-type distros, you usually just do :-
> yum install bind
> chkconfig named on
> Then update /etc/resolv.conf so that the "nameserver" line has
> "" in it.
> The trickiest part is stopping things like NetworkManager from
> changing resolv.conf every five seconds - chattr is your friend :-)

I use the package resolvconf in Debian to ensure my preferred
nameservers stay as I want them, but I have used chattr in the past. 

John Lewis
using Debian sid 

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