** Paul Tansom wrote:
>By the way, seeing OpenPilot in your sig. have to taken a look at OpenCPN? 
I've not computerised my boat yet, but both these look interesting, and I 
signed up on the OpenPilot list a while back to see how its developing.
> OpenPilot - http://openpilot.engineering.selfip.org/
> OpenCPN - http://www.opencpn.org/

Yes, I am aware of OpenCPN, and they are aware of the OpenPilot project. The 
main difference between the two is the flexibility of OpenPilot's architecture. 
OpenCPN is soley a marine chart plotter, whereas OpenPilot is a collection of 
widgets which can be made into whatever you want (There is a sample GUI).

To demonstrate this flexibility, I gave a talk at the combined Hants/Surrey 
meeting last month (I will be repeating it at some point), which described 
using OpenPilot to discharge a pack of batteries. (using in-built 

Unfortunately for the project, I have just bought a house which means that I 
have no time or money to work on it at the moment. However, anything you'd find 
useful just submit to the mailing list.


Tim B.

OpenPilot - Open-source Marine Chart Plotter
Lead Developer

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