On 25 August 2010 21:41, Simon Reap <si...@simonreap.com> wrote:

> Ah, that could be it.  I have seen Opera keep on using more and more CPU and
> memory on various Linuxes - including Debian and Crunchbang (the latter on
> an 701 too).  I have nowhere near enough information to report a bug,
> though.
> Simon

Except that I have uninstalled Opera! I have been having trouble with
updates not being able to complete all of them. I have just carried
out the latest which required a reboot. On restart the rotating  mouse
pointer stopped - great. However on the next boot it is back. I did
notice that a file system check took place at the reboot so must do
another when I get time.

Clive Woodfine

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