On 18/10/10 22:28, Vic wrote:

If you can open the document in OOo, could you export as a .pdf...

No, I can't.

This place has a whole load of MS-Office files. I'm trying to convert them
to OpenOffice. They're not technically-gifted, so any variation from what
they do in MS-Office is a show-stopper.

On Office, they open the file and press the "print" button. In OOo, this
isn't currently working :-(

In what way is the source document locked?

In that the users will not jump through hoops to adopt new software - if
it doesn't work in the way they're used to, they won't use it. So far OOo
isn't doing as well as I'd hoped...


Vic, I've just installed msttcorefonts in Fedora 13 (chkfontpath is also needed but no longer in the repo as xfs is no longer used).

Can you send me an example?

I take you mean they cannot open and print the document because it is nolonger formated correctly to print on the whole page.


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