Most list users here will have a prostate, or know someone who has...... Amongst other sorts of 'goings on' I happened to say something to my urologist which prompted an immediate prostate DRE, which revealed that a previously well behaved prostate cancer had started to gallop. I had an op very quickly, (bye bye prostate), and it was confirmed it was so active that it would soon have become inoperable.

1) Boy, I am very glad to be here. I had not long said goodbye to a family member who had died of this. 2) I say b****cks to the indignity of a prostate DRE (Bily Connelly does a nice take on this) - get a check up! It may just save your life! It helped save mine.
3) Bob Monkhouse helped make ads before he died

OK, now back to Ubuntu.......

On 01/02/11 12:47, john lewis wrote:
the "getting rather ancient" phrase comes from an email from a fellow
genealogy researcher responding to a message I'd posted on one of the
other lists I'm subscribed to.
alan cocks
Ubuntu user #10391
Linux user #360648

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