From:   john lewis 
Sent:   Tue 01-02-2011 12:49
Subject:        [Hampshire] [OT] for those of you who are "getting rather 

> Please _don't_ send me any sympathy messages as I feel perfectly OK and
> I am not worrying about having cancer (I don't 'do' worry),... 

Well this little video moved me out of my semi-natural state with empathy, 
until it was over 

Seriously, the NHS are fantastic, Portsmouth and Truro; both my parents had 
serious health problems one after the other (they would hate for me to say) but 
I was worried I'd loose them, we all were. But the nurses and doctors were, to 
say 'on the ball' is an understatement! Patched up and back to normal within 
weeks. Fantastic technology in use these days too.

Alan c wrote: 

> 12) I say b****cks to the indignity of a prostate DRE (Bily Connelly does a 
> nice take on this) - 
> OK, now back to Ubuntu.......
> :-)

Humour is admirable:) Linux is great fun, a serious business tool, but also the 
biggest free toy box that ever existed.


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