I can second that. I had my mac book battery - that was dying anyway - completely die on me after leaving it in the car for a week over the Christmas period last year. The combination of the cold weather and the lack of charge caused the battery to go below a threshold, and hence, the battery would never charge again. However, I believe that this minimum charge threshold is actually built into the battery control electronics rather than the battery itself.

That is to say, If I could have bypassed the controller and charged it back up manually, I believe that I would have got some further use out of the battery... But after having a Li battery blow on me before, I was reluctant to try it.

On 12/06/2011 01:01 PM, Vic wrote:
Li batteries have good charge densities but don't last that
long unless they are charged and discharged evenly (apparently).
It's even more complicated than that...

Li batteries suffer permanent degradation with time. The rate of
degradation is increased with heat and with charge.

So it would be reasonable to assume that it is best to keep a Li battery
discharged, and then charge it just before it needs to be used. And that
would be wrong; Li batteries that go into deep discharge die immediately.

I've given up on trying to keep them running. I just buy el cheapo units
from China and expect them to last somewhere around a year.


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