On Fri, Dec 16, 2011 at 15:33, Bob Dunlop <bob.dun...@xyzzy.org.uk> wrote:
> I'm having to do a bit of admin style stuff while the company recruits a
> new Windows/Debian admin.  So I have a Debian Squeeze box currently with
> a 2.6.32-5 kernel on it which I need to update with a 3.+ kernel in order
> to support a RTL8191SE Wifi interface.
> The 3.+ kernel image is in Wheezy/testing but how do I persuade Squeeze
> to update this one package.  Everything I've found on the web seems to
> suggest that I have to upgrade the entire system from Squeeze to Wheezy
> in a one way trip.

I believe the google incantation would be for "apt pinning" - I read
about such ages ago, but have so rarely used the technique I can't
remember how it's done.

    The Honeymonster aka Daniel Llewellyn

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