Apologies - I meant testing.

s/unstable/testing/g on that last email!


On 30/12/11 11:29, Chris Malton wrote:
Hi Leo,

Unstable does throw a wobbly once in a while.... I'm running it on my desktop. Occasionally (maybe once a month or so) you get the odd broken package, but it's not a regular thing, and usually you can work around it. For me the only thing I have to remember is to run apt-get update && apt-get safe-upgrade every so often to actually upgrade (because update-notifier seems a little broken....). For a home server though, it's probably safe.

Of course - this is just my personal opinion - what do I know?


On 30/12/11 11:09, Leo wrote:
I'm going to do a reinstall of my home server which currently runs debian stable. I want to put a more up-to-date distro on it and am thinking either debian unstable or ubuntu server. I'm edging towards debian but, despite some googling, it's not clear to me how many broken packages/problems I'm likely to encounter with it. Has anyone much experience with it? Is it a hassle to maintain?


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