On Sun, 15 Jan 2012 10:10:24 +0000, s...@funkygibbins.me.uk said:

> Is it just me or was there more by way of hardcore Linux posts pinging 
> back and forth in those days, too?

It's not just you. I think the big difference is Ubuntu: before it was
available, the discussions were technical and generally distro agnostic.
These days the discussions tend to be less technical and more about how to
achieve Y in distro Z. There's even a tendency towards assuming the
reader uses Ubuntu too with statements like, "I'm running Awful
Albatross" without qualifying that that is a version of Ubuntu.
Finally, there is a misunderstanding of the expectations of
pre-release/beta software.

This is true of LUG lists in general, not just this one.
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get what they want" - Zig Ziglar. 

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