On 07/03/2013 22:44, Daniel Llewellyn wrote:

you do yourself a disservice assuming Kb to KB is an order of ten magnitude difference.

The maths is not _so_ funky as bps is the rate of the data as the raw bits that flow down the line, and Bps is the rate of the bytes in the payload, so will be less than 100%. On a serial line with 8n1, it will be close to 10 bits per byte. On ADSL, I presume it's typically(*) better than that, though I don't know how much better.

(*) That should be measured after delivery of good data, so I guess on a line with intermittent noise it may be possible to have a decent bps but an extremely poor Bps ... at least occasionally, because of many retransmissions.

WHY do so many people get KB and Kb, i.e. bits vs bytes and MB vs mB i.e. Mega vs Mili wrong! The number of times I see something like "I've got a 5mb connection" and have to refrain from asking what a milibit is! It's not even as if they were wanting to say MegaBits, but instead getting it wrong twice by meaning MegaBYTEs. There's a standard for a reason people!

Then there's mhZ which I've seen countless times.

And there are Billion and Trillion where we persist (now) in using the US meanings (10^9 and 10^12) rather than the European meanings (12^12 and 10^18). There's an opportunity for a very big misunderstanding indeed if one talks about 'a billion Euros'.

Now, you see, you've got me started :->


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