
I've recently been given an old Acer Aspire One (ZG5) and I'd like to stick an up to date distro on it.

It's obviously not very powerful by modern standards (1.6GHz single core processor, 512MB RAM IIRC) so I'm looking for something lightweight.

I'd like a GUI of some kind on it rather than just a console, but I have no interest in flashy graphic or effects, just a basic windowing system.

In the past I've used Xubuntu or Crunchbang for this kind of thing, but I've not really played with either recently and don't know how well they will play with the old hardware or whether something better has come along for giving new life to aging kit.

These days I'm also more familiar with Red Hat derivatives than Debian derivatives due to work so would be happy to give a lightweight Red Hat/Fedora spin-off a go if there is a decent one out there?

So any suggestions? Anyone else using an old Aspire one, what do you run on it?


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