Hello James.

On Wednesday, 27 January, 2021, you wrote
> The CPU speed is probably not going to make much
> difference for MATLAB, because the disk will be
> the limiting factor.

I would be careful about making that assertion
without knowing the size of datasets in use. Some
statistical routines are highly processor-
intensive, and anything that needs the data sorted
will benefit from more cores.

Of course, you do need enough memory. 4GBytes is
tight, and I'd agree with using 16GBytes or more.

> The GPU is probably not important, but if you
> ever wish to install Linux on it, I would avoid
> NVIDIA GPUs.  Go for AMD or Intel graphics on
> the laptop.

That depends on the job. The MathWorks site states
that Matlab can use Nvidia cards for computation,
which may be relevant for Owain's son.


Nick Chalk ................. once a Radio Designer
 Confidence is failing to understand the problem.

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