On 10/11/07, Truong Anh Tuan <dtanh at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Dear friends,
> I am using SpamAssassin 3.1.x on Linux.
> Now, all mails with spam score over five (5) are marked as spams (so simple
> configuration).
> Further more, I would like to remove permanently all mails with score over
> ten (10).
> All helps me to configure SpamAssassin to do that are highly appreciated.


- seems to indicate it's possible using procmail to grab the score and
act on it conditionally (in your case the action would be to send
message with a score > 10 to /dev/null.



> Also, if SpamAssassin can not or so difficult to do that, could you tell me
> other open source alternatives, you know, can do that well (marked as spam
> at 5 and remove permanently at 10).
>  Thanks,
> Tuan
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