----- Original Message -----
> From: "Jean Christophe André" <jean-christophe.an...@auf.org>
> To: "Hanoi Linux Users Group" <hanoilug@lists.hanoilug.org>
> Sent: Friday, May 20, 2011 1:00:06 AM
> Subject: Re: [HanoiLUG] Reinstating Happy Hour
> Now, the only thing always annoying me is this cultural difference
> around the “need/love for noise” aspect… ;-) I really love to be able
> to _hear_ everybody sayings without having to concentrate for that…
> So I would rather prefer a quiet place, not one where we would hear
> people yelling while drinking.
> I know some people won't appreciate when I tell that, but… I don't

You are right. That's me :D
I prefer exciting places, not quiet ones, especially for chatting :)

> really care: everybody has his/her own way of feeling well in
> society!
> And _I_ feel well when I can _hear_ people talking, not yelling.

You still can hear, if you really want that, of course.
I don't mind if there is some noise around. I still can concentrate
into the talk, of course, when I really want to do that.

> Anyway, I'll do my best to be able to come to the next one! :-)

In your way???
You may come there alone ;))

Kind regards, 
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