Hi Thomas,

just replying quick, as I'm in a hurry.

On Mon, Mar 09, 2009 at 04:01:29PM -0400, Allen, Thomas wrote:
> That, along with specifying HTTP1.1, did it, so thanks! What should I
> load into "Host:" ? It seems to work fine with "www", but I'd prefer to
> use something I understand. Please keep in mind that none of this is yet
> associated with a domain, so www.mydomain.com would be inaccurate.

Of course, www.mydomain.com was an example. Often web servers are fine
with just "www" but normally you should use the same host name that
your server will respond to. Sometimes you can also put the server's
IP address. Some servers also accept an empty header (so just "Host:"
and nothing else).

> Beginning very recently, I get a 504 Gateway Timeout for about 30% of
> all requests. What could be causing this?

responses taking too much time. Are you sure that your "timeout server"
is properly set ? Maybe you have put times in milliseconds there thinking
they were in seconds ?

> More importantly, I'm not
> convinced that HAProxy is successfully forwarding requests to both
> servers, although I could wrong. As you can see on the two app
> instances, each reports a separate internal IP to help diagnose. It
> appears that only SAMP1 receives requests, although both pass health
> checks now.

I see both servers receiving 20 sessions, so that seems fine.
Among possible reasons for what you observe :
  - ensure you're using "balance roundrobin" and not any sort of
    hash or source-based algorithm

  - ensure that you have not enabled cookie stickiness, or that
    you close your browser before retrying.

  - ensure that you have "option httpclose" and that your browser
    is not simply pushing all requests in the same session tunnelled
    to the first server haproxy connected to.


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