On Sat, Oct 17, 2009 at 04:06:30PM +0100, Chris Sarginson wrote:
> Unfortunately there are quite a few subdomains, and we don't know them  
> all as this is for a client, who will just be looking to add dns  
> records and vhosts on the fly. What sort of work is required to add in  
> this kind of functionality?

Either we decide to start with the complex method, something like :

    redirect prefix http://$hdr(host) ...

Or we decide that http/https with one header is about the only one we're
interested in for this type of operation, and we implement :

    redirect prefix_http  host ...
    redirect prefix_https host ...

The first one will set "http://"; followed by whatever lies in the "host"
field. The second one will do the same with "https://";.

In my opinion we still need to have the header name configurable
because behind some reverse proxies (eg: apache), the "host" header
will be rewritten and we need to use "x-forwarded-host".

I don't know if anyone is willing to take that task.


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