On 15/12/2010 15:57, Malcolm Turnbull wrote:
On 15 December 2010 14:33, "L. Alberto Giménez"
<agimenez-hapr...@sysvalve.homelinux.net>  wrote:

RDP and HTTP have cookies in the application protocol, therefore you
can insert or modify a marker/cookie to keep track...
How would you insert the marker in standard TCP traffic?
The only method I'm aware of is source IP for TCP persistence.

Sorry if I didn't explain clearly, but the very-high-level-algorithm would be:

empty tcp-persistence hash table (at initialization time)
accept a connection
if (remote IP has persistence entry in the has table)
        get persistent backend (already assigned)
        choose a new backend via roundrobin (care about load?)
        Register IP -> backend as a persistent connection
end if

redirect connection to the chosen backend

Everything would be done at tcp/ip level, so no application knowledge would be needed.

I hope that things are clearer now :)

L. Alberto Giménez

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