On Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 09:41:45AM +0000, Chris Sarginson wrote:
> Hi Malcolm,
> Not seen a reply to this, so here's my two penneth worth - currently,
> you need to specify each domain you are redirecting to, yes - there's no
> support in Haproxy for taking the host header you have supplied and
> using it to figure out where you should be redirected to.
> I believe this was on Willys todo list, but I'm not sure if he's got
> anywhere near it yet.

Confirmed, it was the principle of the request parameter extraction
which is not yet implemented. However there's no need to declare an
ACL for each entry, you can use anonymous ACLs :

   redirect location http://dev1.foo.com/ if { hdr(host) -i dev1-foo.com }
   redirect location http://dev2.foo.com/ if { hdr(host) -i dev2-foo.com }


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