Oh, here's my ha proxy config


and here's why my haproxy status looks like shortly after the test


On Sat, Jan 29, 2011 at 11:53 AM, Sean Hess <s...@i.tv> wrote:

> I'm performing real-world load tests for the first time, and my results
> aren't making a lot of sense.
> Just to make sure I have the test harness working, I'm not testing "real"
> application code yet, I'm just hitting a web page that simulates an IO delay
> (500 ms), and then serializes out some json (about 85 bytes of content).
> It's not accessing the database, or doing anything other than printing out
> that data. My application servers are written in node.js, on 512MB VPSes on
> rackspace (centos55).
> Here are the results that don't make sense:
> https://gist.github.com/802082
> When I run this test against a single application server (bottom one), You
> can see that it stays pretty flat (about 550ms response time) until it gets
> to 1500 simultaneous users, when it starts to error out and get slow.
> When I run it against an haproxy instance in front of 4 of the same nodes
> (top one), my performance is worse. It doesn't drop any connections, but the
> response time edges up much earlier than against a single node.
> Does this make any sense to you? Does haproxy need more RAM? I was watching
> the box while the test was running and the haproxy process didn't get higher
> than 20% CPU and 10% RAM.
> Please help, thanks!

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