this is not an HAProxy related problem

What you need is to share the session across all webservers. You have
several ways to do it: memcache, redis, db, filesystem.

We currently are using memcache for this

check your php.ini for "session.save_handler"

we have something like:

session.save_handler = memcache
session.save_path = "tcp://mmc-server-01:11211,tcp://mmc-server-02:11211"

some more info:

Once you do this, haproxy will keep using the same algorithm  to balance but
webservers will be able to find/reuse the session users were on.


On Fri, Mar 11, 2011 at 11:37 AM, Thomas Manson

> Hi,
>   I've setup HAProxy to loadbalance the traffic across two web servers that
> runs some PHP website (based on JOOMLA, OSCommerce and some other solution)
>   However I've noticed that the session affinity is not working Out Of The
> BOX (which after 2sec of think is quite logical ;))
>   Does anybody have some pointers to configure HAProxy (and if necessary
> PHP) to make this work ?
> Thanks,
> Thomas.

Gabriel Sosa
Si buscas resultados distintos, no hagas siempre lo mismo. - Einstein

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