Hello Willy,

I have the following HAProxy configuration installed on a reverse proxy. Behind 
this reverse proxy, there are 2 web servers (Serv_1 & Serv_2). If I stopped 
all HTTP requests from my browser are sent to Serv_2 even if cookie 
serv1_cookie is set and CHECK_FRONTEND is equal to true in my browser. Since I 
used force_persist 
option in HAProxy, my HTTP requests should be routed to Serv_1. I don't 
understand what"s going on. Please could you help me about this issue?

listen vip_appli01
         bind vip_appli01.mycompany.fr:5080
         option httplog
         option httpclose
         option forwardfor
         balance roundrobin
         cookie SERVERID insert indirect
         acl My_Requets hdr_sub(cookie) CHECK_FRONTEND=true
         force-persist if My_Requets
         server Serv_1 HAP-Serv_1:80 cookie serv1_cookie check port 80 inter 
10000 rise 3 fall 3
         option httpchk GET /failover/LBfailoverFlag.gif HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\
         server Serv_2 HAP-Serv_2:80 cookie serv2_cookie check port 80 inter 
10000 rise 3 fall 3

                +--   Serv_1
Internet  ---- Reverse Proxy with Haproxy with force-persist ---|
                 +--  Serv_2

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