Hello Jean-Michel,

On Fri, Jul 08, 2011 at 11:25:26PM +0100, Mouny Jean michel wrote:
> Hello Willy,
> I have the following HAProxy configuration installed on a reverse proxy. 
> Behind this reverse proxy, there are 2 web servers (Serv_1 & Serv_2). If I 
> stopped Serv_1, 
> all HTTP requests from my browser are sent to Serv_2 even if cookie 
> serv1_cookie is set and CHECK_FRONTEND is equal to true in my browser. Since 
> I used force_persist 
> option in HAProxy, my HTTP requests should be routed to Serv_1. I don't 
> understand what"s going on. Please could you help me about this issue?
> listen vip_appli01
>          bind vip_appli01.mycompany.fr:5080
>          option httplog
>          option httpclose
>          option forwardfor
>          balance roundrobin
>          cookie SERVERID insert indirect
>          acl My_Requets hdr_sub(cookie) CHECK_FRONTEND=true
>          force-persist if My_Requets
>          server Serv_1 HAP-Serv_1:80 cookie serv1_cookie check port 80 inter 
> 10000 rise 3 fall 3
>          option httpchk GET /failover/LBfailoverFlag.gif HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\ 
>          server Serv_2 HAP-Serv_2:80 cookie serv2_cookie check port 80 inter 
> 10000 rise 3 fall 3

Your config looks right to me. Could you please post the log corresponding
to the faulty request ?

Ideally if you can run "tcpdump -s0 -i eth0 -w req.cap" on the interface and
provide the resulting file, we could see what makes the request special. Don't
post the trace to the list if there are any sensible information in it, send
it privately in this case.


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