On 02/10/2011 21:44, Cyril Bonté wrote:
I've following setup: haproxy-public -> varnish -> haproxy-director,
where haproxy-public monitors haproxy-director.
I noticed that haproxy frequently fails to intercept URI specified in
monitor-uri and passes that request to backend.
So - in consequence - haproxy is marking that backend unhealthy (because
the backend is not aware of that URI and returns 404).
Does your configuration contains "option httpclose" or
"option http-server-close" ?
Hi Cyril,
Thanks for the quick answer.
None of above in my config at the moment.
If not, this can explain your issue. Without one of these options, haproxy is
in "tunnel" mode, which means it only analyzes the first request of a
connection, everything else is considered as data and won't be analyzed.
Had a quick look at the documentation after your suggestion and this
makes a lot of sense now.
I'd be interested in enabling http-server-close option (as I'd like to
retain keep-alive on the client side).
So my question is: on which listener I should have http-server-close
The haproxy-public (a browser facing port) or the haproxy-director? Or
maybe both?
Thanks in advance,
Kind Regards,