Hi Cyril,

On Tue, Apr 10, 2012 at 10:01:53PM +0200, Cyril Bonté wrote:
> I think I'll configure a bot soon (this week-end ?) to automatically :
> - fetch daily configuration.txt from HTTP for haproxy 1.4 and 1.5 (or 
> maybe from the git repository for 1.5).
> - generate documentation for both with the last converter snapshot
> - push the documentations on the web site.


When you're done, feel free to send me the definitive URLs and I'll
happily add them to the main site.

> Btw, do you prefer us to use a dedicated mailing list for this 
> development or is it OK to post here ? I can create one (again this will 
> probably be this week-end) if you want.

Better use the same, since the users of your doc are here :-) There
is not too much traffic here so it's not a problem at all. And since
some updates might require minor changes to the original format, it
even more makes sense to have this discussion here.


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