Hey, We're running haproxy 1.4.20 as our LB, nginx is listening on the same machine on port 443 and terminating SSL, proxying the unencrypted requests to haproxy on localhost:80.
I see many of these errors on the haproxy log: May 10 15:54:06 lb-01 haproxy[6563]:[10/May/2012:15:54:01.113] public public/<NOSRV> -1/-1/-1/-1/5519 400 187 - - CR-- 3045/3045/0/0/0 0/0 "<BADREQ>" * I changed the source IP for the sake of this example. We get around 5-15 of these per second, and I checked some of the IPs and it seems at least some of them are IPs that users registered with (maybe it's a very big proxy or something so it's not actually those users). We're running on a pretty fast Linode VPS (1GB RAM), it handled 5000 requests per second on testing (which is low, I know, but it is still a VPS). We are doing much less than 5000 req/sec ... The CPU usage is 10-20% for haproxy alone (10% more for nginx), and 10-20% RAM usage for haproxy (~150MB RES, ~180MB VIRT). Does that make sense? What are these requests? Is it possible these are regular users trying to somehow get to our web app and not succeeding ? Thanks, Bar.