On Thu, Jun 28, 2012 at 11:43 AM, Thomas Manson
<dev.mansontho...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Türker,
> With an Active/Active setup and Round Robin DNS, what happen when one of the
> HAProxy is failing/stopped ?
> I guess, that the client has the IP in cache and will fail to connect, won't
> it?
>  Do you have some sample configuration to share for DNS round robin &
> Keepalived ?

We use DNS roundrobin and keepalived together. If one of the HAProxy
fails, the other HAProxy instance takes its IP.

DNS roundrobin is so simple. You can set two or more A record for a
domain. Then It works as roundrobin.

Türker Sezer
TS Design Informatics LTD.


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