
We try to use haproxy for internal load balancing in a high availability setup 
together with keepalived and a virtual ip on the internal NIC.

We don't want to expose our internal services to the public, so we want to 
restrict the open ports to the internal NIC, eth1.

We can't bind directly to the ip address, as it is shared by 3 servers, and 
haproxy can't bind against the IP when it is bound to another server.


We use the following config (excerpt)


frontend nodes
     maxconn 2400
     bind :12340 interface eth1
     default_backend nodes


but portscans from another node in the internal network show that 12340 is 
sometimes open, but most of the it is closed.

We believe this is a bug in haproxy. Can you comment on that issue? Or should 
we prefer bind transparent over bind interface?

Please reply to me directly, i'm not subscribed to the list.

Thanks for your help,

Cornelius Riemenschneider


ITscope GmbH

Ludwig-Erhard-Alle 20

76131 Karlsruhe

Email: cornelius.riemenschnei...@itscope.de


Handelsregister: AG Mannheim, HRB 232782

Sitz der Gesellschaft: Karlsruhe

Geschäftsführer: Alexander Münkel, Benjamin Mund, Stefan Reger


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