Thanks a lot for your comments . Actually, the problem I currently face is
how to provide maximum reliability (if this word is applies) in terms of
http load balancing. Well, I definitely understand your constraints
regarding professional consultancy and thank you again for your valuable
comments. I will investigate more on the issue and hope to find a proper
solution; being a technical approach or just as you suggested, a statement
of non-applicability.
Thanks in advance.

 On Jun 7, 2013 12:23 AM, "Jonathan Matthews" <>

> On 4 June 2013 09:09, Ali Majdzadeh <> wrote:
> >
> > Jonathan, Lukas
> > Thanks for your valuable comments. Would you please indicate some of
> those moving parts that could fail during a single download, Jonathan?
> Sorry Ali, I don't think that's appropriate to the HAProxy mailing
> list. Other people may help you with this, but it's too close to my
> usual job for me to spend time on, on the wrong list. Contact me
> professionally off-list if you like.
> > From Lukas comments, I realized that at least some parts of the problem
> are related to the client agent, is that right? I mean, for example, being
> the primary server failed, if the client agent retries the download
> request, HAProxy can proxy the new request to the other back-end server and
> download continues from where it was interrupted, is this conclusion
> correct?
> That probably won't happen. You'll need explicit support on both
> client and server for HTTP Range requests, which I'm not sure you'll
> get if you're just exposing download links and expecting a user to
> re-click after a failed download. Check out
> for some
> more information on this.
> Regards,
> Jonathan
> --
> Jonathan Matthews // Oxford, London, UK

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