Hi, Baptiste!

But i just test with this and found no use.


On 2013-7-11, at 下午5:35, Baptiste <bed...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Jinge,
> Could you update your source statement to:
> source usesrc clientip
> And let us know if that fixed your issue.
> Baptiste
> On Thu, Jul 11, 2013 at 11:25 AM, jinge <altman87...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,all!
>> We use HAproxy for our web system. And there is a statement if not HTTP will
>> go backend Direct.Which is client-side transparent proxying. Here is the
>> configure. But we found that the Direct backend not working. Is anyone can
>> tell me. Are there any problem in my configure? Or should there any turning
>> on my FreeBSD.
>> global
>>       pidfile /var/run/haproxy.pid
>>       maxconn 200000
>> maxpipes 50000
>>       daemon
>>       stats socket /tmp/haproxy.sock
>>       nbproc 4
>>       spread-checks 5
>> tune.rcvbuf.client 16384
>> tune.rcvbuf.server 16384
>> tune.sndbuf.client 32768
>>       tune.sndbuf.server 16384
>> defaults
>>       maxconn 200000
>> backlog 32768
>>       timeout connect 5s
>>       timeout client 60s
>>       timeout server 60s
>>       timeout queue 60s
>>       timeout check 10s
>>       timeout http-request 15s
>>       timeout http-keep-alive 1s
>> timeout tunnel 3600s
>>       option tcpka
>>       hash-type consistent
>>       option accept-invalid-http-request
>>       option accept-invalid-http-response
>>       option redispatch
>>       option http-server-close
>>       option http-pretend-keepalive
>>       retries 2
>>       option httplog
>> no option checkcache
>>       option dontlog-normal
>>       option dontlognull
>>       option log-separate-errors
>> ######### frontend ##############
>> frontend tcp-in
>>       bind :2222
>>       mode tcp
>>       log global
>> option tcplog
>> tcp-request inspect-delay 30s
>> tcp-request content accept if HTTP
>>       use_backend NginxCluster if HTTP
>>       default_backend Direct
>> backend NginxCluster
>>       mode http
>>       option abortonclose
>>       balance uri whole
>>       log global
>>       source
>>       server ngx1 weight 20 check inter 5s maxconn 10000
>>       server ngx2 weight 20 check inter 5s maxconn 10000
>>       server ngx3 weight 20 check inter 5s maxconn 10000
>> backend Direct
>>       mode tcp
>>       log global
>> option tcplog
>> no option httpclose
>> no option http-server-close
>> no option accept-invalid-http-response
>> no option http-pretend-keepalive
>> option transparent
>> Regards
>> Jinge

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