In our company we have such problem, that when haproxy discovers that backend is dead - due to httpchk - it doesn't disconnect already established keepAlive connections and is still sending requests via these connections. Is this known problem? Is there is any solution for this? Or maybe we are doing something wrong?

We use 1.4.19 version. And here is part of configuration:

backend back_im_alias

    mode http
    log global

    option redispatch
    option httplog
    no option httpclose
    option forwardfor
    option httpchk GET /check-status HTTP/1.1
    retries 3

    balance roundrobin

    server im-alias-1 im-alias-1.atm:80 weight 1 maxconn 4096 check port 80
    server im-alias-2 im-alias-2.atm:80 weight 1 maxconn 4096 check port 80
    server im-alias-3 im-alias-3.atm:80 weight 1 maxconn 4096 check port 80
    server im-alias-4 im-alias-4.atm:80 weight 1 maxconn 4096 check port 80


    Grzegorz Leszczyński
    Team Leader/Tech Lead Zespołu Serwerów Komunikatora
    GG Network S.A.
    Kamionkowska 45   03-812 Warszawa
    tel: +48 22 4277935   fax: +48 22 4277425   mob: +48 693693391     gg:16068

    Spółka zarejestrowana w Sądzie Rejonowym dla m. st. Warszawy, XIII
    Wydział Gospodarczy KRS pod numerem 0000264575, NIP 867-19-48-977.
    Kapitał zakładowy:  1 758 461,10 zł - wpłacony w całości.

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