Hi PiBa-NL,

Found a a minor difference, not sure if it is the issue.?
  - The 9000 backend checks up.php versus check.php.
  - Also I don't think http-send-name-header does anything in 'tcp mode'..

If thats not it, maybe someone else has a clue. :)
p.s. You might want to configure a stats page to see if servers are
properly checked as 'up' by haproxy.

Greets PiBa-NL

thank you for your feedback! Sorry that was my fault - both do use check.php - the up.php is an old one. Just a copy&paste error.

I still have no idea what makes the difference. I was not able to find a chapter in the HAProxy documentation describing the difference of listen vs. frontend/backend. Does any article about that topic exist? I am really interested in understanding this issue. I do not know what the application exactly does but all I know is - it does only work if I use the "listen" configuration.


Florian Engelmann schreef op 16-1-2014 12:29:

I got two configurations the should do the same. One is based on a
frontend/backend layout the second does it with just listen. The
listen configuratiuon is working fine but the fontend/backend causes a
problem on the backend. It looks like some request string is missing
because the customer application is not able to resolve some lookup
which seems to be header related. Is anybody able to tell me whats the
difference in these two configurations?


    log /dev/log    local6
    #log /dev/log    local6 notice
    chroot /var/lib/haproxy
    user haproxy
    group haproxy
    maxconn 50000
        stats socket /var/run/haproxy.sock mode 600 level admin
        stats timeout 2m

        log     global
        mode    http
        option dontlognull
        option dontlog-normal
        retries 2
        option redispatch
        timeout connect 5000
        timeout client 50000
        timeout server 120000
        timeout http-request 5000
        timeout http-keep-alive 5000
        option http-server-close
        http-check disable-on-404
        http-send-name-header X-Target-Server
        default-server minconn 1024 maxconn 4096
        monitor-net 192.168.xxx.xxx/32

listen application9000
  balance leastconn
  mode tcp
  option tcplog
  option httpchk GET /check.php HTTP/1.0
  http-check expect string Hello World
  server xcmsphp01.xxx check port 80
  server xcmsphp02.xxx check port 80
  server xcmsphp03.xxx check port 80

listen application80
  balance roundrobin
  option forwardfor
  option  httplog
  monitor-uri /haproxymon
  option httpchk GET /index.html HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\
monitoring\r\nConnection:\ close
  http-check expect string Welcome home
  acl site_dead nbsrv lt 2
  monitor fail  if site_dead
  server xcmsfrontend01.xxx check
  server xcmsfrontend02.xxx check


    log /dev/log    local6
    #log /dev/log    local6 notice
    chroot /var/lib/haproxy
    user haproxy
    group haproxy
    maxconn 50000
        stats socket /var/run/haproxy.sock mode 600 level admin
        stats timeout 2m

        log     global
        mode    http
        option dontlognull
        option dontlog-normal
        retries 2
        option redispatch
        timeout connect 5000
        timeout client 50000
        timeout server 120000
        timeout http-request 5000
        timeout http-keep-alive 5000
        default-server minconn 1024 maxconn 4096
        monitor-net 192.168.xxx.xxx/32

frontend http-in
  bind *:80
  option http-server-close
  option forwardfor
  option httplog
  monitor-uri /haproxymon
  acl site_dead nbsrv(http-out) lt 2
  monitor fail if site_dead
  default_backend http-out

backend http-out
  balance roundrobin
  http-send-name-header X-Target-Server
  option forwardfor
  option http-server-close
  #option accept-invalid-http-response
  http-check disable-on-404
  option httpchk GET /index.html HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\
monitoring\r\nConnection:\ close
  http-check expect string Welcome home
  server xcmsfrontend01.xxx check
  server xcmsfrontend02.xxx check

frontend php-in
  bind *:9000
  mode tcp
  option tcplog
  http-send-name-header X-Target-Server
Wont work in tcpmode
default_backend php-out

backend php-out
  balance leastconn
  mode tcp
  option tcplog
  http-send-name-header X-Target-Server
Wont work for tcp mode.
option httpchk GET /up.php HTTP/1.0
Should this be "check.php" v.s. "up.php"?
http-check expect string Hello World
  server xcmsphp01.xxx check port 80
  server xcmsphp02.xxx check port 80
  server xcmsphp03.xxx check port 80




EveryWare AG
Florian Engelmann
Systems Engineer
Zurlindenstrasse 52a
CH-8003 Zürich

tel: +41 44 466 60 00
fax: +41 44 466 60 10
mail: mailto:florian.engelm...@everyware.ch
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