On Tue, Feb 04, 2014 at 02:05:24PM -0600, Kuldip Madnani wrote:
> Hi,
> I want to redirect the logs generated by HAProxy into some specific file .I
> read that in the global section in log option i can put a file location
> instead of IP address.I tried using that setting but it dint work for me,
> also i enabled tcp logging in my listener but no luck.Could any body tell
> if i am missing something.Here is my configuration:
> global
> ........
> log         /opt/app/workload/haproxy/log/haproxy.log syslog info
> ........

On my systems (which use rsyslog) I do this:

    log /dev/log local0

Then I create /etc/rsyslog.d/haproxy.conf, which contains:

    local0.* /var/log/haproxy

And everything gets logged there.

> listen rabbitmq_perfCluster   *:5693
> mode       tcp
> maxconn    32000
> option     allbackups
> option tcplog
> option logasap
> log global
> balance    roundrobin

Interesting. I just finished setting up haproxy for a RabbitMQ
cluster. Feel free to contact me off-list to share your experience on
this endeavor.


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