
Im not sure if this is the exact issue that Anup was having, and maybe i'm hijacking his thread, if so i'm sorry for that, but when try to check how it works i also having difficulties getting it to work as i expected it to.

I'm using HAProxy v1.5dev21 on FreeBSD 8.3.

Ive written in a frontend the following which checks for a GET web request to determine which backend to use, this works..:
mode tcp
tcp-request inspect-delay 5s
acl PAYLOADcheck req.payload(0,3) -m bin 474554
use_backend web_80_tcp if PAYLOADcheck
tcp-request content accept if PAYLOADcheck

However when changing the match line to the following it fails:
acl PAYLOADcheck req.payload(0,3) -m str GET
acl PAYLOADcheck req.payload(0,3) -m sub GET
acl PAYLOADcheck req.payload(0,3) -m reg -i GET

The req.payload returns a piece of 'binary' data, but the 'compatibility matrix' seems to say that converting for use with sub/reg/others should not be an issue.

Then the next step is of course to not match only the first 3 characters but some content further in the 'middle' of the data stream..

Am i missing something ? Or might there be an issue with the implementation?

This is currently only for finding if and how that req.payload check can be used. Of course using 'mode http' would be much better for this purpose when running http traffic, but that isn't the purpose of this question..

Ive spoken on irc with mculp who was trying something similar but couldnt get it to work either, and seen a previous question http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.comp.web.haproxy/11942 which seems to have gone without a final solution as well.

So the question is, is this possible or might there be some issues in 'converting' the checks?
Thanks for your time.

Greets PiBa-NL

Baptiste schreef op 28-2-2014 10:57:

and where is your problem exactly?


On Tue, Feb 25, 2014 at 7:39 AM, anup katariya <anup.katar...@gmail.com> wrote:

I wanted to inspect incoming tcp request. I wanted to something like below

payload(0, 100) match with string like 49=ABC.


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