Hi ! I use
HA-Proxy version 1.5.1 2014/06/24
Copyright 2000-2014 Willy Tarreau <w...@1wt.eu>

Build options :
  TARGET  = linux2628
  CPU     = generic
  CC      = gcc
  CFLAGS  = -O2 -g -fno-strict-aliasing

Default settings :
  maxconn = 2000, bufsize = 16384, maxrewrite = 8192, maxpollevents = 200

Encrypted password support via crypt(3): yes
Built without zlib support (USE_ZLIB not set)
Compression algorithms supported : identity
Built without OpenSSL support (USE_OPENSSL not set)
Built without PCRE support (using libc's regex instead)
Built with transparent proxy support using: IP_TRANSPARENT IPV6_TRANSPARENT 

Available polling systems :
      epoll : pref=300,  test result OK
       poll : pref=200,  test result OK
     select : pref=150,  test result OK
Total: 3 (3 usable), will use epoll.

Use for balancing http request for many web applications. All work good but I 
have one small bug. For example:
I use backend vix
I open page in browser for this backend and work without problems. I go , for 
example , page abonent1 after this I am open new tab in the browser and open 
VIX on the page abonent 2 and ..... I am return to tab for abonent 1. I do 
refresh page and ! ! I see page for abonent2 - second tab browser. I think what 
reason this situation Cookies. Can I will win this is action? And maybe we can 
suggest improvements my config file. Merci!
        #nbproc 2
        maxconn 20000
log local0 debug
stats socket  /haproxy/socket/haproxy.sock mode 0600 level admin
        mode http
        timeout connect 5s
        timeout client 900s
        timeout server 900s
        option http-server-close
        option contstats
                # frontend
    frontend http-in
        bind *:80
        mode http
        option httplog
        log global
       capture cookie VIX_SID len 32
       capture request header Host len 15
       capture request header X-Forwarded-For len 15
       capture request header Referrer len 15
       capture request header User-Agent len 15
       capture response header Content-length len 9
       capture response header Location len 15
        #ACL-s for /custcare_cu /custcare_bp /ax  /omx  /vix  /cto-prod 

        # acl CX(custcare_cu)
        acl is_custcare_cu url_beg /custcare_cu

        # acl CX(custcare_bp)
        acl is_custcare_bp url_beg /custcare_bp

        # acl AX
        acl is_ax url_beg /ax

        # acl OMX
        acl is_omx url_beg /omx

        # acl CTO
        acl is_cto url_beg /cto

        # acl cso(morch)
        acl is_cso url_beg /cso
        acl is_asp url_beg /ASP
        # VIX-s
        default_backend vix

# use_backends
use_backend custcare_cu if is_custcare_cu
use_backend custcare_bp if is_custcare_bp
use_backend ax if is_ax
use_backend omx if is_omx
use_backend cto if is_cto
use_backend cso if is_cso
use_backend cso if is_asp
#use_backend vix if is_vix


backend custcare_cu
balance leastconn
cookie CCARE_SID insert indirect nocache maxlife 24h maxidle 8h
server s1cm1_cx_cu s1cm1:8088 check port 8088 cookie cx_cu3 weight 100
server s2cm2_cx_cu s2cm2:8088 check port 8088 cookie cx_cu2 weight 100
stats enable

backend custcare_bp
balance leastconn
cookie BCARE_SID insert indirect nocache maxlife 24h maxidle 8h
server s1cm1_cx_bp s1cm1:8088 check port 8088 cookie cx_bp3 weight 100
server s2cm2_cx_bp s2cm2:8088 check port 8088 cookie cx_bp2 weight 100
stats enable

backend ax
balance leastconn
cookie AX_SID insert indirect nocache maxlife 24h maxidle 8h
server s1cm1_ax s1cm1:8088 check port 8088 cookie ax1 weight 100
server s2cm2_ax s2cm2:8088 check port 8088 cookie ax2 weight 100
stats enable

backend omx
balance leastconn
cookie OMX_SID insert indirect nocache maxlife 24h maxidle 8h
server s1cm1_omx s1cm1:8088 check port 8088 cookie omx1 weight 100
server s2cm2_omx s2cm2:8088 check port 8088 cookie omx2 weight 100
stats enable

backend cto
balance leastconn
cookie CTO_SID insert indirect nocache maxlife 24h maxidle 8h
server s1cm1_cto s1cm1:8037 check port 8037 cookie cto1 weight 100 backup
server s2cm2_cto s2cm2:8037 check port 8037 cookie cto2 weight 100
stats enable

backend cso
balance leastconn
cookie CSO_SID insert indirect nocache maxlife 24h maxidle 8h
server s1morch1_cso s1morch1:8080 check port 8080 cookie cso1 weight 100 backup
server s2morch2_cso s2morch2:8080 check port 8080 cookie cso2 weight 100
stats enable

backend vix
balance leastconn
#balance roundrobin
cookie VIX_SID insert indirect nocache maxlife 24h maxidle 8h
server s1cm1_29 s1cm1:29080 check port 29080 cookie we1xx weight 100
server s2cm2_29 s2cm2:29080 check port 29080 cookie we2xx weight 100
server s1cm1_28 s1cm1:28080 check port 28080 cookie we3xx weight 100
server s2cm2_28 s2cm2:28080 check port 28080 cookie we4xx weight 100
server s1cm1_27 s1cm1:27080 check port 27080 cookie we5xx weight 100
server s2cm2_27 s2cm2:27080 check port 27080 cookie we6xx weight 100
server s1cm1_26 s1cm1:26080 check port 26080 cookie we7xx weight 100
server s2cm2_26 s2cm2:26080 check port 26080 cookie we8xx weight 100
server s1cm1_25 s1cm1:25080 check port 25080 cookie we9xx weight 100
server s2cm2_25 s2cm2:25080 check port 25080 cookie we10xx weight 100
server s1cm1_23 s1cm1:23080 check port 23080 cookie we11xx weight 100
server s2cm2_23 s2cm2:23080 check port 23080 cookie we12xx weight 100
server s1cm1_24 s1cm1:24080 check port 24080 cookie we13xx weight 100
server s2cm2_24 s2cm2:24080 check port 24080 cookie we14xx weight 100
stats enable

#listen http-in
listen stat
stats uri /statshaproxy
stats show-legends
stats refresh 5s
stats hide-version

listen admin
stats uri /vix_admin
stats show-legends
stats refresh 5s
stats hide-version
stats realm Haproxy\ Statistics
stats auth  логин:пароль
stats admin if TRUE

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