I don't know how feasible this would be, but I have an idea that I think
would satisfy most people and could be rolled out in phases providing
better functionality as each phase is deployed.

1.  Set up a spam filter that simply tags messages with a special header if
it is thought to be spam.  This would allow people to set up a simple
filter if they want.

2. Allow people to choose to have the messages tagged as possible spam sent
to them or not.  At this point, client side filters are no longer needed.

3.  Watch for responses to messages tagged as spam.  If one is seen from a
list subscriber, unflag the message as spam and send to the original to
those who have opted out of receiving possible spam.

4.  Allow people who wish to be spam moderators the ability to tag things
as false positives/negatives.  This will improve the spam filtering over
time and valid messages could be forwarded along.

The downside is that there is probably a fair amount of work to be done to
make all of this happen.

One argument against this is that false positives prior to implementing
step 3 would only be seen by part of the the list.  But then that is
effectively the case right now for anyone who filters spam on their side.
 On Sep 5, 2014 12:52 PM, "Cyril Bonté" <cyril.bo...@free.fr> wrote:

> Hi,
> Le 05/09/2014 20:39, Patrick Hemmer a écrit :
>> Obviously quite a few people care.
>> This is your list, and I respect that, but your opinion seems to be the
>> minority.
> Without facts, this is as true as if I argue that the majority doesn't
> care that much but are more annoyed by the amount of mails containing the
> subject "Spam to this list?".
> --
> Cyril Bonté

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