
On Tue, Oct 14, Dennis Plöger | getit GmbH wrote:
> Hi there!
> I'm currently trying to create a completely high available setup for the 
> Hybris platform (http://hybris.com/). Hybris is a Spring-based framework for 
> e-commerce sites, that is running on Tomcat and connecting via a JDBC pool to 
> different databases, MySQL being one.
> So I've set up two MySQL nodes using a Percona cluster and HAProxy on the 
> application server node to proxy requests to one or both of the database 
> nodes. (I've tried Active/Active and Active/Passive setups)

(You might consider running garbd arbitrator on a third server (or a
third node), because if the two pxc nodes loose connection between each other
-> split brain and both nodes won't work
> Everything works quite fine, but during the high-load initialization process, 
> the JDBC connections in the pool somehow seem to timeout or loose connection 
> to the databse. These exceptions pop up:

Do you get any errors if you use direct jdbc connection from hybris to
your PXC nodes (no haproxy in between) ?

Have you enabled logging in haproxy and do you get any errors in
haproxy logs ?
> INFO   | jvm 1    | main    | 2014/10/14 15:59:45.362 |         ... 4 more
> INFO   | jvm 1    | main    | 2014/10/14 15:59:45.362 | Caused by: 
> java.io.EOFException: Can not read response from server. Expected to read 4 
> bytes, read 0 bytes before connection was unexpectedly lost.
> INFO   | jvm 1    | main    | 2014/10/14 15:59:45.362 |         at 
> com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.readFully(MysqlIO.java:2914)
> INFO   | jvm 1    | main    | 2014/10/14 15:59:45.362 |         at 
> com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.reuseAndReadPacket(MysqlIO.java:3337)
> INFO   | jvm 1    | main    | 2014/10/14 15:59:45.362 |         ... 35 more

What kind of server / client timeouts do you use in haproxy or are
you reaching maxconn etc. limits ?

> I've been using version 1.4 from the Ubuntu repository and already updated to 
> current 1.5, in which these exceptions come at a later point during the 
> intialization process, however they still exist.
> Can anybody help me here? How can I better debug this? Do you need any more 
> data to help?
> Thank you in advance.
> Kind regards
> Dennis

Jarno Huuskonen

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