
Me again.

> Kinda (see my haproxy.cfg below). You're right. I will check out the logging
> options and optimize logging.

I just checked the configuration options again and saw, that I'm already 
logging enough (I think). However, no errors are logged.

>> What kind of server / client timeouts do you use in haproxy or are
>> you reaching maxconn etc. limits ?
> I don't think, I reach maxconn, because the maximum connections HATop shows 
> are
> 23 and my limit is around 2000.

Hmm... I just understood, that we're probably talking about different things 
here. As you can see in my configuration, I haven't specify a maxconn value. 
From the configuration documentation I didn't understand, what the default 
value is. I just updated my configuration based on this tutorial and will try 
again: http://www.percona.com/doc/percona-xtradb-cluster/5.5/howtos/haproxy.html

Kind regards


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