On Wed, Feb 4, 2015 at 11:16 AM, Tobias Feldhaus
<tobias.feldh...@wooga.net> wrote:
> Hi,
> we are running HAProxy 1.5.10 on FreeBSD 9.3 (no packet filter is enabled).
> The only purpose of HAProxy in our setup is to fail over to a second backend
> if the primary one goes down. We tested this by creating artificial load via
> the wrk loadtest tool (settings: --latency -t6 -c300 -d60s) and taking the
> primary backend down (by simply shutting down its jail).
> In the logs we can see that HAProxy is recognizing the backend failure:
> Feb  3 16:20:26 haproxy-tracker-one haproxy[41648]: Proxy KAFKA_BACKEND
> started.
> Feb  3 16:20:54 haproxy-tracker-one haproxy[41649]: Server
> KAFKA_BACKEND/KAFKA_PRIMARY is DOWN, reason: Layer4 connection problem,
> info: "Connection refused", check duration: 0ms. 0 active and 1 backup
> servers left. Running on backup. 0 sessions active, 0 requeued, 0 remaining
> in queue.
> However, the status page [http://puu.sh/fslRT/850b363386.png] shows the
> KAFKA_SECONDARY backup system still in blue and not in green (Is this how it
> is supposed to look?) and the number of Bytes In and Out stay 0.
> We can see the traffic reaching the KAFKA_SECONDARY backup system, after the
> PRIMARY one turns red, but is this the expected behavior and look of the
> status page?
> Thank you very much for the clarification.
> Tobi

Hi Tobias,

This is not an expected behavior. Have you tried clicking on the
"Refresh Now" button on the top right corner of the stats page?.
The problem looks more global, since you have no statistics at all in
your frontend and your main server as well.

Could you share your configuration and the output of haproxy -vv ?


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